General Update
March 26, 2020
You may find the following information helpful as we all continue to navigate our current circumstances:
You may find the following information helpful as we all continue to navigate our current circumstances:
- As of 5 p.m. last night, all construction in Vermont other than those projects deemed “necessary to support the COVID-19 response and maintain critical infrastructure” were to shut down. We are aware that various Agencies are sending out memos to that effect.
- In regard to item 1., we have a guide to assist you in closing your projects SHOULD THE NEED ARISE. Our effort is to be proactive and prepared. The “Workplace Stalled Site Plan” is linked for you to use as needed. (Courtesy of our friends at the Associated Construction Contractors of New Jersey)
- What other steps should you be taking on your jobsites during this crisis? From wiping down surfaces and providing individual bottles of water to cleaning portable toilets more frequently, this linked document “Recommended Practices for Contractors” provides more information on what you, as an employer, can be doing.
- There are a lot of questions on how to respond to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 on your jobsite. The linked document “Responding to Suspected or Confirmed Case of Covid-19” gives more information on these steps:
- Remove the infected, or potentially infected, employee from the workplace or jobsite
- Contact the local public health department.
- Ensure a medical evaluation is completed.
- Investigate.
- Identify corrective actions.
- Establish a procedure to follow up.
- Several departments/agencies have advised that COVID-19 has fostered malicious behavior. The attached “Fraud Alert” document contains more information, including an advisory from the FBI. Be aware that criminals are attempting to exploit COVID-19 worldwide through a variety of scams.
- The New York State Department of Labor is temporarily extending Asbestos Handling Certificate deadlines to help with the spread of COVID-19. More information from the NYSDOL can be found here: