Congratulations on 125 Years! We don't have to tell you how incredible it is that our organization existed through the turn of not one but two centuries or point out how countless individuals put in their time, effort, and dedication to sustain ECA over this length of time. And, we certainly don't need to remind you how this organization is still thriving and essential today; the presence of so many last Friday proved that fact more than anything else.
The mission statement of Eastern Contractors Association is to provide leadership in the construction industry in a number of different ways, including promoting stable labor relations, educating the workforce, promoting safety, advancing economic growth, and providing essential data and information for the industry. These ideals existed in Eastern Contractors Association since the beginning. The essential idea behind the organization has never changed: literally laying the foundation for the success of the industry. Beginning with the formation of the Albany Builders' Exchange in 1890 on the principle of fair labor practices in the industry, followed by the merger with the Troy and Schenectady exchanges in 1958 and the formation of the Eastern New York Construction Employers, and finally the formation of Eastern Contractors Association that we know today, one ideal remained constant: a strong and stable construction industry is essential to supporting life in eastern New York.
The night was not just about celebrating longevity. The true theme of the evening, and our organization as a whole, is growth. We believe in growing our towns and cities through new structures and economic development. We support growing the knowledge of our member employees through training and educational opportunities. Our planroom provides a valuable resource for upcoming projects, building awareness of those projects and improving the flow of information between all levels of industry. Our goal is to make New York bigger, stronger, faster, and more resilient, and to that end, the service ECA provides fosters the growth of a healthy construction industry and a prosperous community.
It is because of YOU that ECA has achieved this milestone, and you should all be very proud!